Live online Mindfulness half-day retreat

Course outline

Venues, dates and booking

Do you live your life striving to get to the bottom of your ‘to do’ list? Would you like to deepen your daily mindfulness practice or get back into a mindfulness routine after a break?

Relax and immerse yourself in the mindfulness practices taught on this retreat. This is a morning for you just to be. There’ll be nowhere you have to go; no chores you need to do. Simply be there, for yourself, without the pressures of your daily life and responsibilities.

It was so good to practice in a group again and we were able to join break-out sessions where participants could reflect on the practices and share their thoughts. So even though you were at home you still felt connected to the other attendees. I started the morning feeling frazzled and came away feeling calm, uplifted and optimistic. I would definitely recommend joining a Moment is Now retreat online…” Jill M

This is a spacious retreat with lots of time for reflection. It’s your chance to meet other people interested in mindfulness and boost your practice in a supportive group environment. The retreat is open to anyone who practises or has practised mindfulness or meditation.

If you’re attending a Moment is Now eight-week or six-week course, this event will help you gain maximum benefit from your training—plus, your first half-day retreat is included in the cost of your course (but please remember to book your place)!

Cost: £40 (six-week or eight-week course attendees: your first half-day retreat is free)

Live online, Sunday 15th January 2023, 9.30am to 12.30pm

Venue: Via zoom from wherever you have internet access.

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