Meditate with a pebble!

Try including an real-life pebble in your practice!

Find one that takes your fancy, whether it’s smooth or textured, then be mindful with your pebble:

  • Explore the texture of your pebble with your fingers. Gently close your eyes while you do this, to help you focus on the sensations you notice. Does the pebble feel cool? Notice if it becomes warmer as you hold it in your hands.
  • Lie down with the pebble resting gently on your stomach. Focus on its weight and the way it moves up and down with each breath.

See if you can focus on your pebble practice for two or three minutes. You can set a timer if you like.

Top tip: Remember that, if your mind wanders, that’s completely natural. When you notice your focus has shifted elsewhere, gently bring your attention back to your pebble.

This virtual mindfulness pebble was adapted from one of The Moment is Now’s mindfulness practice cards – mindfulness tips in your pocket!

Mindfulness tips on cards

Use a pebble in your practice

Use a pebble in your practice
This pebble says "be mindful with your hands"
This pebble says "find a practice to suit your day"
Show me all pebbles
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