Choose your response

Give yourself the chance to choose your reaction, instead of habitually acting the way you’ve always done in the past.

Start a kindness thread

Every day contains good and bad—but kindness to yourself can be a constant thread that runs through the whole day.

Be your kindest self

By practising loving-kindness meditation, you can learn to see the lives of others as related to your own.

Be a better listener

“...If you can’t recognize your own beliefs and opinions, needs and fears, you won’t have enough inner space to really hear anyone else.”

The gift of self-compassion

Who is talking in your head now, good friend or harsh critic? If it’s the harsh critic ask, ‘What would a good friend say?’ and listen to that.

Bring your mind home

A simple practice for bringing your mind home to the present moment that will fit into your busy day and can be practised wherever you are!

Dissolve some stress

Observing the mind’s chatter as it comes and goes, and being less identified with its precise content, can gradually dissolve pain and stress.

Befriend yourself

“Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already.”

Notice nature

Strengthen the positive feelings you get from spending time close to nature: take time to notice and really feel them.

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